Building your own WordPress theme is simple! – when using DrX.

You can either build your theme from scratch or fork an existing theme. In both cases the DrX Mother Theme and the DrX Plugin are required.

Create a child theme of the DrX Mother Theme (Template: __drx_theme). The theme folder must be named like this: __drxmother-[TARGET_FOLDER] (without the brackets) for the plugin to recognize the theme as a project.

If forking an existing theme, just download the source package from the appropriate repository. Extract the package and rename the root folder. Upload the renamed folder to the WordPress installation. When switching to the new fork, all settings will be imported.

Now you are ready to customize the new theme. When you are happy with the look and feel click the build and release button found in the footer of any post or page. The theme package are located in the defined target folder. If using a public repository the package will be submitted in the process.


Are Bootstrap included in the theme package? – No, you can install you preferred version of bootstrap by installing the bootstrap plugin.

Does the theme support WooCommerce? – Yes!

Does the theme support Contact Form 7? – Yes, but beware the high risk of spam – if not taking any precautions when using Contact Form 7. You may want to look into other options for a contact form.